Make a difference with planned giving…

There really are SO many ways that you can support our organization and the people that we serve. One great option to ensure that your gifts will have a lasting impact on the lives of so many of our vulnerable neighbors for YEARS to come is to incorporate planned giving into your financial future preparation. There are many ways to do it, but no matter which one(s) you choose, the result will be the same – “as the donor you will be able to give to a cause you are passionate about – benefitting the organization from your financial support, while at the same time reducing your tax footprint. It really is a win-win,” says Glenn Leest, Investment Advisor at WT Wealth Management in Flagstaff, AZ.

Ways to remember FSS with your planned giving: 

    • Remember FSS in your will – you can easily put Flagstaff Shelter Services as a beneficiary either directly on your account OR through a will or a trust. This will create a legacy in your or a loved-ones’ name, while reducing your estate taxes.
    • Donate stocks to FSS –  reach out to us at FSS and we will walk you through the simple steps.
    • Set up a charitable remainder trust – there are a lot of ways to do this – but essentially you can set up a charitable remainder trust within your estate planning to reduce your taxable footprint and establish an income stream – all while supporting FSS.
    • Life Insurance Policies – you can set up Flagstaff Shelter Services as a beneficiary for your life insurance policy – leaving this agency and the work that we do with a charitable legacy in your name.
    • Life Estate – this allows you to leave your house or property to FSS, remain in residence there, and receive an income tax charitable deduction.
    • Retirement Account Assets – leave FSS as the beneficiary of your retirement accounts to receive the required minimum distributions (RMD’s) – this saves on your taxable income and makes sure that your assets are preserved for the betterment of your community.

Whichever you choose, these are all guaranteed way for YOU to make sure that the most will be made from your charitable contributions and that they will help meet the needs of a changing community in years to come.

Big thanks to Glenn Leest and WT Wealth Management for providing insight into these investment options and for providing Flagstaff Shelter Services with support in advising our donors. 

If you have any questions for how to do this feel free to reach out at, or talk to your investment manager.

Ross Schaefer is the executive director at Flagstaff Shelter Services, the largest emergency shelter in northern Arizona. The nonprofit is open around the clock to anyone in crisis, regardless of faith, mental health or sobriety. In addition to offering emergency shelter for  individuals, the organization also provides permanent, stable housing to families experiencing homelessness. An average of two families a week are moved into permanent housing and more than 85 percent of them do not return to homelessness.