- hello@flagshelter.org
- 4185 E. Huntington Dr, Flagstaff, AZ 86004
- 928-225-2533
Our housing programs connected 671 people experiencing homelessness to stable, long-term housing.
That’s why Flagstaff Shelter Services is proud to offer much more than a band-aid solution to the problem of homelessness in Northern Arizona.
In 2015, we introduced a program that would do just that.
Housing first is an evidence-based approach to ending homelessness. It means just that: housing comes first. In 2015, Flagstaff Shelter Services introduced a Rapid Rehousing program that would do just that. Shortly after arriving at our emergency shelter, clients are paired with one of our skilled Housing Case Managers for housing-focused case management under the Housing First-aligned Rapid Rehousing model.
Housing case managers work with our network of dedicated community landlords to identify affordable housing options that suit our clients’ needs.
Financial assistance is provided as needed for rental application fees, security deposits, and first month’s rent.
But rapid-rehousing is just one part of our housing first program.
Move-in day is always thrilling. It’s hard to describe the mix of joy and relief we see in our client’s eyes when they first receive the keys to their new home. But rapid-rehousing is just one part of our housing first program.
Throughout the process prior to and after securing permanent housing, clients are offered the wrap-around, supportive services they need to maintain their housing and become healthy, productive members of the community.
Barriers to employment are intentionally and strategically addressed. We provide resources to help clients prepare for success in the workplace and coordinate with our partners to identify and apply to local job opportunities. We also connect clients with mainstream resources, such as public benefits, physical and behavioral health care, and other agencies’ services.
It costs roughly $5,000 to move a household out of homelessness for good. Thanks to our generous donors and an amazing network of community partners, Flagstaff Shelter Services is able to secure housing for two households every week. Almost everyone who has been rehoused through our housing program remains stably housed today.
Coral Evans, former Mayor, City of Flagstaff
Flagstaff Shelter Services is the largest emergency shelter in Northern Arizona. We provide shelter and critical services to the most vulnerable members of our community and assist them in finding permanent housing. We move people out of homelessness for good.
Flagstaff Shelter Services is a qualified exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Flagstaff Shelter Services is an Equal Housing Opportunity provider
Copyright © 2025 Flagstaff Shelter Services. All Rights Reserved. Website by Boulevard Creative.