- hello@flagshelter.org
- 4185 E. Huntington Dr, Flagstaff, AZ 86004
- 928-225-2533
In 2017, Flagstaff Shelter Services partnered with Catholic Charities to form Front Door, Coconino County’s Coordinated Entry program that serves as an intake and referral process that helps people in crisis quickly access the resources they need to achieve long-term housing stability.
By design, the Front Door program helps reduce the time people experiencing or at imminent risk of experiencing homelessness spend waiting for assistance.
People in crisis can visit Flagstaff Shelter Services and be assessed for eligibility for all services provided across the Coconino County Continuum of Care, including emergency shelter, transitional shelter, homeless prevention services, rapid re-housing services, permanent supportive housing, veteran-related homeless service providers, coordination of domestic violence homelessness issues, and more.
Flagstaff Shelter Services is the largest emergency shelter in Northern Arizona. We provide shelter and critical services to the most vulnerable members of our community and assist them in finding permanent housing. We move people out of homelessness for good.
Flagstaff Shelter Services is a qualified exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Flagstaff Shelter Services is an Equal Housing Opportunity provider
Copyright © 2025 Flagstaff Shelter Services. All Rights Reserved. Website by Boulevard Creative.