Shelter Tonight.
Home Tomorrow.

End homelessness in Northern Arizona for just $10 a day.

Flagstaff Shelter Services is on a mission to end homelessness in Northern Arizona.

At Flagstaff Shelter Services, our mission is to provide individuals and families experiencing homelessness with emergency shelter and the tools to achieve housing stability; regardless of faith, mental health, or sobriety.

We are open all day, every day of the year- ready to provide emergency shelter and services to anyone experiencing a housing crisis.

It costs us just $10 to provide one person with safe shelter for a night and $5,000 to help a household move from homelessness to stable housing. Your donation helps cover the critical expenses that make this possible and end a neighbor’s experience in homelessness once and for all.

Flagstaff Shelter Services is an Arizona Charitable Tax Credit program Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO). This means you can receive a tax credit on your Arizona state taxes for your donation. You may be able to receive up to $470 (filing as a single unmarried head of household) or $938 (married filing a joint return) when you give to Flagstaff Shelter Services. Simply enter the Flagstaff Shelter Services’ QCO code (20067) with your donation amount when you file your tax return.

are women
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of these women report having experienced domestic or sexual violence
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are veterans
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over age 55
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Who we help

Flagstaff Shelter Services provides life-saving, life-changing services to over 2,000 unduplicated individuals each year, 63% of whom are people of color. More than half of those served report having a disabling condition, and 14% are chronically homeless. Many are women, most of whom have escaped domestic or sexual violence. Every one of them has value.

We see possibilities in all of our clients. If we invest in them, eradicating homelessness in Northern Arizona is possible, too.

Better together

Small acts of kindness can make big things happen. Check out some simple things you can do that will get us one step closer to eliminating homelessness in Northern Arizona.

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The Road Home

Join the journey to end homelessness in Northern Arizona for good.